Parrot Time Magazine

The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #25 January / February 2017

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The Ethics of Language Teaching
While it is becoming rarer to find anyone who doesn’t agree that language should be taught, there remains at least one controversial domain whereby the teaching of a language can leave a bad taste in the mouths of many, the language teaching that...
January / February 2018
Fiverr and Languages: - Finding Translators on the Mini Jobs Network
Ever wanted to get a cover made for your newly completed ebook? Or how about having a logo designed for your new blog? If you aren't graphically literate or perhaps just want something more "professional" than you feel you could make, you will be...
March / April 2018
Why I Will Never Learn the IPA
I love alphabets. They were the reasons I first became interested in languages. I saw writing in Cyrillic and Mayan and was astounded to think that not only did that writing mean something, but that people actually communicate with it. So I started...
March / April 2018
How it All Started: PluraLing
This article has two parts. How I came to build PluraLing. What PluraLing is all about. Briefly, what PluraLing can do for you? Learn to speak fluently without grammar whatsoever, exactly as our young kids acquire their first language. Abil...
July / August 2018
A User-Friendly Introduction to the Tuvaluan Language
Even when compared to other languages of Oceania that have gotten a good share of language learning resources (such as Hawaiian, Maori, Fijian, Samoan or Tok Pisin), Tuvaluan seems to be obscure at best and unknown at worst. As of the time of writing,...
January / December 2019
An Indigenous Year
If you are reading this, you probably already have an interest in languages. Perhaps it is more of a passion. If so, then you are not alone. Everyone uses a language, and over the centuries, thousands of languages have been created to give voice...
January / December 2019
13 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese
The history and culture of the Marshall Islands is full of multiple levels of curiosity. Between having the largest amount of underwater plane wreckages, having a capital known for roving wild dogs known to randomly attack people, as well as having...
January / December 2019
A History of the Language of the Roma
Let's start off with identifying who the Gypsies even are. According to research from Dr.Ronald Lee, Coptic Egyptians had a bit of an easier passage through Europe due to the papal documents they had, stating they were on pilgrimmage. Gypsies took...
January / December 2019
Interesting Facts About Vurës - An Indigenous Language of Vanuatu
.vurestable { width: 100%; } .vurestable td { font-size: 1.7rem; } The small island country Vanuatu, located in the South Pacific Ocean between the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and New Caledonia, is home to almost 140 languages. All of these...
January / December 2019
The Indigenous Languages of the UK
When you think of indigenous languages images of exotic islands and tropical lands may spring to mind. However, in the United Kingdom there are dozens of indigenous languages that are still spoken on a daily basis! Despite the UKs plethera of languages...
January / December 2019