Parrot Time Magazine

The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #7 January / February 2014

Issue 006Issue 6  November / December 2013
Letter From The Editor - Price of Fame | Liber Linteus - Mummified Language | Pencak Silat | At the Cinema - Bombay | Celebrations - Inti Raymi - Festival of the Sun | Cracking the Code | Languages in Peril - The Chibchan Family | Revisited - Words From The Names Of Animals | Word on the Streets - Great German Authors | Where Are You? | Language Learning Methods - Internet | Sections - Neighborhood
Issue 005Issue 5  September / October 2013
Letter From The Editor - Why Polynesian? | Rongorongo - Island Chants | Otto Dempwolff - Islands of Language | At the Cinema - Whale Rider | Celebrations - Pasifika Festival | Special Feature - Avoiuli | Languages in Peril - The Island Invasion | Revisited - Legends of Maui - Maui's Home | Word on the Streets - Malay Masters | Where Are You? | Revisited - Legends of Maui - Maui Snaring the Sun
Issue 004Issue 4  July / August 2013
Letter From The Editor - Linguist or Polyglot | The Phaistos Disc - Puzzle of Crete | Otto Jespersen - Progress of Language | At the Cinema - Kukushka - The Cuckoo | Celebrations - Carnival | Languages in Peril - The Salish Tragedy | Word on the Streets - Kannada Writers | Where Are You? | Revisited - Stories In The Names Of Places | New Souls | Language Learning Methods - Software | Sections - Parleremo YouTube
Issue 003Issue 3  May / June 2013
Letter From The Editor - Freaking Out | The Voynich Script - Cryptic Codex | Benjamin Whorf - Relativity of Language | At the Cinema - Lost in Translation | Languages in Peril - The Polish Connection | Word on the Streets - Romanian Poets | Where Are You? | Celebrations - Holi | A Language Dream | Revisited - Words From National Character | Language Learning Methods - Classes | Sections - Language Exchange
Issue 002Issue 2  March / April 2013
Letter From The Editor - Truth in Advertising | Linear A & Linear B - Lost Minoan | Edward Sapir - Patterns of Language | At the Cinema - Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner | Word on the Streets - Norwegian Notables | Where Are You? | Celebrations - Valentine's Day | Languages in Peril - The Rhaeto-Romance Trio | Revisited - Proverbs | Linguistics Love Song | Language Learning Methods - Books | Sections - Recordings
Issue 001Issue 1  January / February 2013
Letter From The Editor - A New Parrot Time | The Rosetta Stone - Triple Cypher | Ferdinand de Saussure - Signs of Language | At the Cinema - L'auberge Espagnole | Languages in Peril - The Finno-Ugrics | Word on the Streets - The Russian Zone | Where Are You? | Celebrations - Day of the Dead | Revisited - Slang | We Are The Linguists | Language Learning Methods - Audio | Sections - Journals