Parrot Time Magazine

The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #32 March / April 2018
At A Glance
by Erik Zidowecki
March / April 2018 |  asd
General Language
Hi Native
Hi Native is by the team of Lang-8, but it is for shorter texts and includes opportunities to ask for help with pronunciation. You can also ask for advice about travel and life in a target location. Another feature allows you to ask natives how 'natural' your text seems.

WordsKeeper is a simple web application for foreign language learners. It lets users learn any language, build their own vocabulary, keep words, phrases, notes and much more in one place, grouped by category. They can also create learning groups and share with other users. Available in browsers from any device.

Specific Language
Italiano Per Stanieri
Italiano Per Stanieri is an all Italian site for foreigners learning Italian. It has plenty of resources for levels A1-C1, including a variety of articles on there arranged by level and links to various other resources.

Learn English with EnglishRadar
EnglishRadar helps you to learn English. The free online English test indicates your English level (A1-C2), and there are study targets and weekly quizzes, plus blog ideas to develop your language skills. There are also resources for General English, Business English and exam preparation to help you learn English and create your future.

Say Something
Audio lessons in a drill format similar to Michel Thomas. The focus is on Celtic languages and there are 3 or more hours of free lessons for Welsh, Manx and Cornish before you have to sign up.

Links provided by the

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At A Glance
Writer: Erik Zidowecki
All screenshots are property of their respective website owners

All images are Copyright - CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Share Alike) by their respective owners, except for Petey, which is Public Domain (PD) or unless otherwise noted.

Looking for learning materials?
Find entertaining and educational books for learning a language at Scriveremo Publishing. Just click the link below to find learning books for more than 30 languages!
Icelandic Pocket Puzzles - The Basics - Volume 1

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