Parrot Time Magazine

The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #16 July / August 2015
Letter From The Editor
Studying in Summer

Studying in Summer

by Erik Zidowecki
July / August 2015 |  asd

For those living in the Northern hemisphere, these months of July and August are the glorious months of summer. We head to the beach to soak up the hot temperatures and recharging sun rays. Swimming and people watching round out this annual pilgrimage to the shore.

Or if the sunny beaches are not quite your thing, you are hopping in a car or on a train, plane or boat to get somewhere, anywhere, away from your current location to take a relaxing vacation or tackle a new adventure.

Many of us might feel guilty about doing this, and may even hold back from it, because we feel we are neglecting our language studies. How can we be memorizing new vocabulary while we are splashing around in the ocean? What will happen to our Memrise and Anki decks if we skip them for a few days or weeks while we have some fun?

My advice is simple: let it go! Your languages are not going to abandon you if you just take an extended break. We all need to power down and walk away to revitalize our minds and bodies. Even schools around the world have breaks during this time to let the students enjoy themselves for a while without being plagued with constant reading, writing and maths work.

These times of relaxation are short, so you must take advantage of them while you can!

If you feel you really must study instead of going to the beach or vacation, there are still ways. You can take along portable versions of your study books to the beach, or employ the use of a portable device and use ebooks and applications. You can also slip a digital player into your bag or pocket filled with your favourites Pimsleur or Michel Thomas audio courses.

Whether you give yourself a break or continue studying into your summer activities, make sure you have fun while doing it. And be sure to take along Parrot Time to make your summer complete!

Erik Zidowecki

Letter From the Editor
Writer: Erik Zidowecki
Petey: Woman on beach

Jimmy Mello retains all copyright control over his images. They are used in Parrot Time with his expressed permission.
Maureen Millward retains all copyright control over her images. They are used in Parrot Time with her expressed permission.

All images are Copyright - CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Share Alike) by their respective owners, except for Petey, which is Public Domain (PD) or unless otherwise noted.

Searching for language resources?
Find entertaining and educational books for learning a language at Scriveremo Publishing. Just click the link below to find learning books for more than 30 languages!
Spanish Pocket Puzzles - Food & Drink - Volume 1

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